Client Web Site Redesign

Overview is a product that connects clients with needs for freelancers while at the same time acting as a marketing tool for the services provided by Vealty.

This project is done as during my time working as an in house designer for Almond Tree Media INC.


Product Designer

UI/UX Design, Interaction, Visual Design, Prototyping, Testing

The Challenge

Vealty provides multimedia and graphic design services with one of it’s biggest client as realtors and potential home sellers…etc. As the business provides a large range of services, clear yet sophisticated presentation of them becomes crucial. A research done during the project also shows the importance of the need of brief introduction within the main page

The Goal

The primary goal is to gather all the services provided by the company so as to provide a clean, easy to navigate and short description along with imagery that provides example of work…etc. By adding more dynamic content to satisfy the needs of the audience.


Website Layout

Intro | Hero

Updated Navigation info, layout and icons

User animation for on hover

Hero image selection



Reimagine Visual Elements

Hero as banner for each section

Visual enhencnment


Clear Call-to-action Button

“Book Now” button on every Sub Menu

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Product Design | UI/UX Works

Visual Design | Industrial Design